Early Childhood Resources

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CELL-Center for Early Literacy Learning
CELL has developed materials to assist parents in guiding their child's early literacy development. Explore Practice Guides for Parents—these can be used by parents to provide their infants, toddlers, or preschoolers with fun and exciting literacy learning experiences.

Some Practice Guides are available in Spanish. You can also find Practice Guides with Adaptations. These guides make it easier for young children with disabilities to participate in early literacy learning activities. Written for both parents and professionals, the practice guides describe everyday home, community, and childcare learning opportunities that encourage early literacy learning.

CELLcasts are audio/visual versions of CELL Parent Practice Guides. CELLcasts are available for parents to watch and listen to online or download to an iPod/Mp3 player.

Cellpops provide parents and professionals with simple ways to enhance daily activities and routines with literacy specific opportunities. These are great resources to help you think about outcomes, strategies, and activities for your child's Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).


NAEYC for Families- National Association for the Education of Young Children
Lots of great information for families of young children! Learn about how children grow and learn. Discover creative learning ideas you can try at home. Share stories about your child's learning in a blog. Get tips on how to choose a quality child care program. Ask a question of, and receive advice from, Dr. T. Berry Brazelton. Look at the music section, and explore how to connect music to your child's learning.


Research Foundation of the State University of New York Training Strategies Group
Training Strategies Group through a contract with the Office of Children and Families provides a system of videoconference training on a variety of topics and training in health and safety and the provision of medication. The Training Strategies Group also manages the Educational Incentive Program, which provides financial assistance to people working in licensed or registered child care programs so that they are able to afford the costs of education and training.


Zero to Three
The first three years of life are a period of incredible growth in all areas of a baby's development. On this website you will find information, podcasts, interactive tools, parent handouts, charts, Tip Sheets, FAQ's, articles, and powerpoint slideshows all designed to help you in supporting and nurturing the health and development of your baby and/or toddler. Little Kids, Big Questions is a series of 12 podcasts talks about parenting practices that mothers, fathers and other caregivers can adapt to the needs of their own child and family.


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