File Library





Early Intervention Partners Training Project Application Downstate 2013 Early Intervention Partners Training Project Application Downstate 2013
File Name: EI_Partners_Application_Downstate_2013.pdf
File Size: 1.06 MB

Application for the Early Intervention Partners Trainiing Project - Central Region 2013

File Name: EI_Partners_Application_Syracuse_2013.pdf
File Size: 1.05 MB

New York State WIC
WIC is a supplemental nutrition program that provides food and services free of charge to eligible women, infants and children.

File Name: NewYorkStateWIC.pdf
File Size: 390 KB

Resource Directory Children with Special Health Care Needs Spanish
File Name: ResourceDirectoryChildrenwithSpecialHealthCareNeedsSpanish.pdf
File Size: 573 KB

Resource Directory Children with Special Health Care Needs Russian
File Name: ResourceDirectoryChildrenwithSpecialHealthCareNeedsRussian.pdf
File Size: 622 KB

Resource Directory Children with Special Health Care Needs French
File Name: ResourceDirectoryChildrenSpecialHealthCareNeedsFrench.pdf
File Size: 575 KB

Resource Directory Children with Special Health Care Needs Chinese
File Name: DirectorySpecialHealthCareNeedsChinese.pdf
File Size: 976 KB

Resource Directory for Children and Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs
This directory of New York State resources is for the families of children and young adults who have a serious illness or long-lasting condition for which they need extra health care and support services.

File Name: ResourceDirectoryforChildrenandYoungAdultswithSpecialHealthCareNeeds.pdf
File Size: 6.39 MB

Overview of assistive technology for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families by Families and Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE) at the PACER Center, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55437

File Name: AssistiveTechnologyForInfantsAndToddlers.pdf
File Size: 104 KB

Assistive Technology for Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children with Disabilities
Developed for parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities by the Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers. Provides a general overview of assistive technology.

File Name: AssistiveTechnologyTAAlliance.pdf
File Size: 203 KB

Assistive Technology for Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children with Disabilities
Information sheet about assistive technology developed for parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities. From the Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers:

File Name: AssistiveTechnologyInformationSheet.pdf
File Size: 203 KB